And there was only one person that Governor Richards hadn't met.
Since Governor Richards's election, they also have gained a good deal of political power.
Governor Richards was a strong voice on the board, helping to build the school for the benefit of our students, faculty, and alumni.
But Governor Richards, who often seems to be grinning under her crown of white hair, is an exception.
As is traditional, Governor Richards did not spare members of her own party.
Governor Richards, who watched some of the operation from a state helicopter, said the devastation was likely to worsen.
At the least, the questions about Governor Richards's telephone calls are an embarrassment for her.
The first step came in his race against Governor Richards, when he pledged to support the concealed-weapons bill.
Governor Richards helped her raise $700,000 last fall by campaigning for her in California.
Today they asked Governor Richards to issue a 30-day reprieve.