But after Governor Richardson declared a state of emergency last month, the federal government sent an additional 300 Border Patrol agents.
A more general problem was identified by Governor Richardson.
Governor Richardson of New Mexico suggests that such differences are evidence that the movement has no overarching strategy.
Governor Richardson, you have had to implement No Child Left Behind in your state.
"I'm officially undecided on the issue, but I don't believe it merits the attention it's received," Governor Richardson said in an interview.
But Governor Richardson said the most important type of flexibility was the guarantee that federal Medicaid spending would rise when the economy turned down.
Governor Richardson is an experienced administrator, politician and negotiator, and has charisma.
With such an impressive array of Democratic presidential candidates, I hope that Governor Richardson will be considered a viable option.
Governor Richardson's approval rating as of December 2006 was 74%.
Although Governor Richardson has said that the waste problem is central, local sentiment seems favorable.