But Governor Schweitzer says he believes that his success points to something more significant.
Governor Schweitzer, a Democrat, has a two-fisted idea for energy independence that he carries around with him.
When it comes to cleaning up coal, though, Governor Schweitzer is dead serious.
Governor Schweitzer refused, but said he would continue to press Montana's oil refineries to be "good neighbors" and lower prices.
Governor Schweitzer chastised him, saying "nobody likes a tattletale to the teacher."
Governor Schweitzer vowed to defend vigorously the state's right to set environmental standards.
"The first hunt or two they'll think it's more tourists taking their picture," Governor Schweitzer said.
Governor Schweitzer signed the bill May 17, 2007.
Governor Schweitzer has been a catalyst for alternative energy development in Montana.
But Governor Schweitzer said the state was deeply committed to defending the river access law.