He said that where the budget would be trimmed would not be known until the Governor delivers her budget message on March 15.
At the opening reception, Governor Spry delivered a speech from the front porch.
They say that the Governor has delivered only very selectively on his promise of greater accessibility.
When homestead tax rebate checks went out last year, the Governor delivered the first batch to homeowners personally.
Governor Nelson G. Kraschel delivered the main address.
For weeks before the Governor delivered his message, lawmakers and lobbyists had been trying to find out whether they were among this year's winners or losers.
The Governor will deliver a speech, based on his 95-page message, to the Senate and Assembly on Tuesday.
On Thursday, the Governor delivers his State of the State address in Legislative Hall.
This year The Governor will deliver the lecture.
The Governor delivered a speech at the conference; respondent working as a state employee staffed the registration desk.