The governor urged people to go to work on Monday as usual.
And the governor urged approval of her education reform proposals.
The governor has urged voters to approve the money, even though the state is facing a difficult budget situation this year.
Governors have urged Congress to give them discretion in designing new health programs for children.
The Governors urged that the purchase of the land should be pursued vigorously.
Governors of both parties urged Congress to let them continue operating under waivers.
The governor, however, has urged the Legislature to act fast to borrow the tobacco money to keep the wheels of government moving.
The Governor also urged today that the state raise its lifetime exemption on gift taxes to $600,000 from the current $115,000.
"The governor has made his position known on the commuter tax and urged the partnership to reconsider the release of its letter."
All but three judges accepted their unwanted commissions, and the governor urged compliance.