"I have worked so hard to establish a theatrical reality," said Glenn Wein, co-creator of "Grandma Sylvia's Funeral," in which the audience joins the mourners.
Built around a tumultuous funeral, this show makes the similar but better "Grandma Sylvia's Funeral" of a few seasons ago look like the second coming of Shaw.
The interactive comedy "Grandma Sylvia's Funeral" to be performed from 9 P.M. to midnight, with dancing, Champagne and appetizers.
Audiences who like to play can go to "Tony 'n' Tina's Wedding" and "Grandma Sylvia's Funeral."
She also appeared Off Broadway in the interactive comedy, Grandma Sylvia's Funeral.
"We have to cancel the funeral for Grandma Sylvia," said Beck Lee, a spokesman for the show.
She appeared on television in "New York Undercover," and in an Off Broadway play, "Grandma Sylvia's Funeral."
Grandma Sylvia would be so happy - if only she were alive.
Adoring Grandma Sylvia to Jackie and Casey Max.
The Helsenrott Jewish Mortuary is the setting for "Grandma Sylvia's Funeral," a theatrical rendition of a funeral service in which audience members are participants.