In 2011, the MCADF provided a grant to assist the Wildlife Conservation Fund with its 'Trunk' program in Mongolia, which aims to educate school age children on the importance of wildlife and environment.
During the 1966-67 year, applications for a federal grant to assist in the construction of a separate facility for a branch campus were prepared and approved.
The state offers a small grant to assist students in costs for tuition, fees and books Under the Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Agreement, many Pennsylvania colleges and universities accept these credits for students who transfer to their institutions.
There is, too, a grant to assist inner London boroughs taking on education powers.
This scheme provides a grant to assist businesses with the costs of marketing activities.
The college credits are offered at a deeply discounted rate and the state offers a small grant to assist students in costs for tuition, fees and books.
The state offers a small grant to assist students in costs for tuition, fees and books.
She had been awarded a grant to assist the anthropologist Sorkis Khertepian at the University of Chicago.
H.U.D. documents show that the Center for Resource Development was supposed to use the grant to assist Camden and East Orange in programs to attract private development in New Jersey.
Six years later, a military board in the United States approved a grant to assist similar efforts by Samuel P. Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.