"But after Woodward, did you make some preliminary jumps before the Gravity Games?"
At the Gravity Games, the prize for first place in the park skateboard competition was $10,000, while 10th place delivered only $1,000.
For instance, only 10 riders compete in each event, compared with 20 or more at the Gravity Games and Dew Action Sports Tour.
The pressure to perform and win prize money at contests, like the Gravity Games, with its $58,500 purse for motocross, pushes riders to take risks.
FDR played host to the Gravity Games in 2005.
Kenny Bartram was still learning flips, doing them off the backsides of dirt landings, much like Hart in the 2000 Gravity Games.
It lacks big corporate backing and starring roles on televised spectacles like the Gravity Games.
It began development under the title Gravity Games: Bike and was the first game developed under the license.
From Sunday through Thursday, Woodward will play host to the Gravity Games, a showcase of action sports and the camp's contribution to their progression.
A third song, "Super Breakdown", was a registered song in the 1999 action sports film, Gravity Games: Bikes.