Jewelry worn to show status, another Greek custom, remains intact today - although somewhat changed.
One didn't have dinner while sitting anymore, but while reclining, according to Greek custom.
Today it happens rarely, despite the belief of some foreigners that it is a widespread Greek custom.
As is often dictated by Greek custom, the forenames of family members are passed on from preceding generations.
Thus, Greek literary customs found their way into the entire liturgical calendar, particularly papal rituals.
The myth was a model for the Greek social custom of paiderastía, the socially acceptable erotic relationship between a man and a youth.
Otherwise, he allowed the inhabitants of these towns to continue as they always had, and made no attempt to impose Greek customs on them.
Greek customs and fashions contributed to the recasting of east Balkan society.
In accordance with Greek custom, he was buried on the battlefield.
Ancient authors credited him and Homer with establishing Greek religious customs.