Tatiana Varouti Mamaki (Kiev, 1921-Athens, 2007) was a notable Greek dancer and choreographer.
Attila-Akyla Silvester (30 July 1944 - 22 February 2010) was a famous Greek dancer, choreographer and director.
Instead he took up with a beautiful Greek dancer named Zofya and they are very happy, I'm told!
Valia Alexandratou, a Greek dancer, was inspired by the art of Nassos Daphnis, a Greek-born artist who came to New York City in 1930 when he was 16.
The Greek dancers shouted, "Murph ... ee ..." "How do we want him?"
Twelve Greek dancers wouldn't make enough noise, but they would form a very effective prelude to a beautifully orchestrated crescendo.
So, without needless delay, Madeline heard strange tales of Cal Galbraith's doings; also, of a certain Greek dancer who played with men as children did with bubbles.
But the Greek dancer was too subtle for even his penetration.
Some Greek modern dancers from the Greek National School of Dance became reacquainted in New York.