For centuries, Greek ideas in Europe were all but non-existent.
Alexander goes back to the Greek idea of knowledge being "out there" in the object being contemplated.
Just as there was no unique Greek idea of time, the history of the human race also presented itself to the Greeks in various forms.
These people had many Greek ideas and some of their own.
At this point they first began to encounter Greek ideas, though from the beginning, many Arabs were hostile to classical learning.
These new lines of thought allowed the work of amassing and translating Greek ideas to expand as it never before had.
Let's go back to the Greek idea of Jesus entering into our sinfulness and weakness.
Based on the Greek idea of a "sound mind", the school in Mantua offered physical education as well.
Both started with the Greek idea, "appearance, not reality."
'It is not a Greek idea, although we have accepted it'.