Finally, along the Turkish military divide, he scanned the rooftops and Greek positions of his neighborhood.
This inevitably weakened the Greek position, and territory seems to have been lost progressively.
Above all, although it was couched in neutral language, in reality it favoured the Greek position.
The Persians soon found themselves launching a frontal assault, in waves of around 10,000 men, on the Greek position.
From 04:30 the German artillery began pounding the Greek positions, followed by infantry assault.
Ibrahim, in person, advanced towards the Greek position leading a force of over 6,000 soldiers.
The official Greek position was that these children had been forcibly taken by the Communists to be brought up under a socialist system.
This became the cornerstone of the Greek position on the issue.
Some observers had suggested that the gradual revision of the Greek position means that "the question appears destined to die" in due course.
In this era of nationalist conflict in which emotion seems to prevail over reason, the Greek position is easier to understand.