It is perhaps worth while to remark, that though the Laws of the Twelve Tables were, many of them, copied from those of some ancient Greek republics, yet law never seems to have grown up to be a science in any republic of ancient Greece.
The Allies, while determined to be rid of Constantine, did not wish to create a Greek republic, and sought to replace the king with another member of the royal family.
Furthermore, they were intimately acquainted with the Greek republics and Macedonian monarchies of their time, and realistically assessed their capacities to stand up against the Romans.
From 1946 until the end of the Civil War in 1949, the NOF was loyal to Greece and was fighting for minimal human rights within the borders of a Greek republic.
I have already implied that Wolkenlicht was, in form, as fine an embodiment of youthful manhood as any old Greek republic could have provided one of its sculptors with as model for an Apollo.
Venizelos's preference was to declare a Greek republic and thus end the monarchy.
The sister townships of Scio and Webster were named as a monument to the birth of the new Greek republic, the end of its citizen's subjection, and the first American senator to support their nation.
The pro-republican government achieved its aim in 1924 when the Greek monarchy was deposed and a Greek republic was established.
Most of the Greek republics were annexed to the Macedonian Empire of Alexander.
The fall of the Greek republics and of the Persian empire was the effect of the irresistible superiority which a standing army has over every sort of militia.