The island returned to Greek rule in 1913 following the Balkan War.
First years of Greek rule (1913-1923)
The Books of the Maccabees describe the uprising and the end of Greek rule.
Some scholars believe that the insurgency against the Greek rule in north-west had first started probably in lower Indus.
During this new period of Bactrian Greek rule, several dynasties (like Antialcidas) likely ruled from the city as their capital.
During Turkish War of Independence between 1919 and 1922 the settlement was under Greek rule.
Words of Greek origin are generally pronounced according to the same rules; native ancient Greek rules of stress are not used.
They want to be in the German club and live by the Greek rules.
Sampsiceramus I, his family and his ancestors in Syria had lived under the Greek rule of the Seleucid Empire.
Many Turkish Cypriots, however, are convinced that they could not live safely under Greek rule.