Egypt's largest Islamic militant group took responsibility today for killing 18 Greek tourists in an attack on Thursday at a Cairo hotel near the Pyramids of Giza.
On the column next to it a Greek tourist, visiting the temple over 2,000 years ago, carved the figure of Paris as a huntsman, a compliment to her beauty.
One unloaded a group of Thais and the another a group of Greek tourists.
The town of Vytina (also transliterated Vitina or Bytina), 12 miles east from Stemnitsa, is very popular with Greek tourists.
In reaction to the Qana Massacre, an Islamist group in Egypt open fire on a hotel, killing 18 Greek tourists and injuring 17 others.
Egyptian police fought a gun battle today with Islamic militants they said were responsible for killing 18 Greek tourists last week.
In 2009, over 650,000 Greek tourists visited Turkey.
The flow of Greek tourists to Kenya has increased over the last few years, especially in the form of package holidays.
Besides Greek tourists, who come mostly in August, British and German tourists are the most frequent visitors.
"I don't bother about politics," said a Greek tourist on a recent flight into the country.