He jokes that his concentration on his medical studies was often shattered by fire engines racing along Greene Avenue.
In 1888, a notable wooden public school building was constructed on Greene Avenue, which was used by the school system until about 1958.
A man leaving the small building on Greene Avenue yesterday said his aunt, a tenant, "told me she didn't hear nothing."
The shooting occurred about 5:40 p.m. inside an apartment at 528 Greene Avenue.
Greene Avenue is locally known for its upscale shops, restaurants and antique dealers.
On Thursday morning, the seven-story, 40,000-square-foot building at 50 Greene Avenue is scheduled to go to the highest bidder.
The next northbound stop was Greene Avenue.
There, he met members of the ambulance crew, who said a body was in the house next door, at 731 Greene Avenue, the police said.
Juan Cruz, 30, 1076 Greene Avenue, sale and possession of cocaine.
In that year the congregation purchased a former church building on Greene Avenue.