The WP 's "Science Notebook" reports a finding that may upset many a Greenpeace campaign.
So, given your warm welcome for Mattel's recent change of heart, how do you feel about the Greenpeace campaign that forced them into it?
You can read an interesting analysis of the Greenpeace campaign here.
In 1985 Hinck led Greenpeace campaigns for the control of pollution and protection of clean water throughout North America.
In 1998, following a Greenpeace campaign, Hong Kong banned the import and re-export of hazardous waste.
Mr. Haerlin of the Greenpeace campaign made a strongly worded speech at conference here.
The concert created the financial basis for the first Greenpeace campaign.
Funds raised contribute to Greenpeace campaigns to save the whales and the natural world.
Even critics concede that Greenpeace campaigns have contributed to important changes.
This was the first Greenpeace campaign in Australia.