He was a three-time Grey Cup champion, having won in 1935, 1939, and 1941.
He was a Grey Cup champion three times: 1968, 1969 and 1973.
His brother, Louis Segatore, was also a Grey Cup champion.
Bold text represents the eventual Grey Cup champions.
Despite a 9-9 regular season record, the Roughriders ended their season as Grey Cup champions.
Having played with the Alouettes since 2007, he is a two-time Grey Cup champion, after winning in 2009 and 2010.
In his final season the Riders were Grey Cup champions.
He is a two-time Grey Cup champion having won as a coach in 1993 and 1996.
He scored 51 points in 1942 and was a key player on the Grey Cup champions.
Calgary successful ran out the clock to become the 1971 Grey Cup champion.