Even rookies in the Group 1 category are stick-handling around the entry-level salary cap, currently set at $925,000.
Among several issues raised yesterday, Ftorek said that he was unconcerned about his four unsigned players who are restricted free agents of the Group 2 category.
Verbeek is unfettered, like Gretzky, because he also has an expired contract after reaching age 32, putting him in the Group 3 category.
However, Holik and Sykora are restricted free agents in the Group 2 category.
Sakic is a restricted free agent in the Group 2 category, so Colorado has a week to match the offer and keep him.
During the 1976 and 1977 seasons, FISA established new rules for a Group 6 category of prototypes.
The new World Sports Car Championship was created exclusively for the Group 6 category.
There are many attractive names in the Group 2 category, including center Pierre Turgeon of St. Louis.
They were also nominated for two other categories, including the Best Group category.
It is a type of the "Group" category, which is used to describe cultivated plants in practical ways that are not necessarily related to their biological classification.