Until recently, Guadalupe Island supported a large goat population (estimated at 100,000 in 1870, and 5,000 in 2000).
The depression hooked to the east, and dissipated on September 18 near Guadalupe Island.
Guadalupe Island, off the coast of the city, is one of the best places in the world for observing the great white shark.
This species inhabited Mexico's Guadalupe Island until the beginning of the 20th century.
On Guadalupe Island, the local population is threatened as it has declined some 80-90% since the 1950s, and one or two dozen trees are all that remains.
After turning north, Ismael dissipated later that day over Guadalupe Island.
Guadalupe Island had a population of numerous but old and weak trees in 2000.
The storm dissipated 707 mi (1137.80 km) south of Guadalupe Island later that day.
The postal code of Guadalupe Island is 22997.
Many individuals can be found on Mexico's Guadalupe Island.