Eagle turned in to 1;7 Guadalupe Street, drove a few blocks, and found a parking spot.
The permanent collection is at the Harry Ransom Center, 21st and Guadalupe Streets.
In 1916 the church purchased land at the southwest corner of 22nd Street and Guadalupe Street to construct a church building.
It was built to house 1,100 people and was an immediate cornerstone of the "Drag" (Guadalupe Street).
The motel is located at 4407 Guadalupe Street.
Williams, who was driving along Guadalupe Street near the Tower building as the shootings began, personally saved several individuals from harm by his quick actions.
His several pieces of street art on Guadalupe Street (the "Drag") contribute significantly to its unique aesthetic flavor.
Just after midnight on August 1, Whitman drove to his mother's apartment at 1212 Guadalupe Street.
At one time Guadalupe Street was nicknamed "Asylum Street" because it led to a state psychiatric hospital.
Photos from the history of Guadalupe Street.