Although Guam residents are not allowed to vote in Presidential elections, Republicans there will be able to help choose the party's Presidential nominee at the convention in August.
After capturing Guam, the U.S. military constructed a new residential community in Agat for Guam residents made homeless by the war south of the original village.
A14 Passenger Arrested The police arrested a 32-year-old Guam resident at Los Angeles International after what appeared to be a large firecracker was found in his hand luggage.
However, Guam residents fear the build-up could hurt their ecosystem and tourism-dependent economy.
The "latte stones" familiar to Guam residents and visitors alike were in fact a recent development in Pre-Contact Chamorro society.
This was the first time Guam residents were given the right to vote for the body that created the laws that governed them, for the most part.
"I saw some people were able to walk away from the wreckage," said Dr. Michael Lancer, a Guam resident who reached the wreckage while it was still burning.
Because it is only a territory, federal income taxes paid by Guam residents are given to the Guam government for its operations.
The judge, Alex Munson, issued a temporary order on Friday, after a group of Guam residents and medical groups filed a lawsuit.
The station would also help Guam residents to learn Japanese language and culture.