The second library, dedicated to her Guggenheim grant in 1962, for which she wrote an essay, is filled with many of her cameras, books and photographs.
In 1964 he was awarded a Guggenheim grant.
He has since received numerous other awards, including two Guggenheim grants (Monaghan 1996).
After many turndowns, he got a Guggenheim grant in 1987 that allowed him to quit teaching.
During his sabbatical, he received financial support in the form of a Guggenheim grant.
His research for his Wesley biography was financed by a Guggenheim grant and took him to England to gather information.
On March 22, 1937, Weston received notification that he had been awarded a Guggenheim grant, the first ever given to a photographer.
He traveled on a Guggenheim grant.
She said that she had lived for a year on her $15,000 Guggenheim grant.
She knows this, she says, because after she received a Guggenheim grant in 1995, she started taking her work to galleries.