Gus Hall, one of the committee's founding organizers, led strikes in Youngstown and Warren.
One such tactic was the adoption of a sequence of aliases, all variations on his given name, before he settled on Gus Hall.
That Gus Hall was difficult for me to imagine as I chatted with the amiable one before me.
He was Gus Hall of the American Communist Party.
He was introduced as Gus Hall, the longtime party chairman.
There is at least one receipt signed by Gus Hall in the KGB archives.
Foster retired in 1957 and assumed the title of Chairman emeritus of the party to make way for the younger Gus Hall.
October 8 - Gus Hall, communist leader (died 2000)
Gus Hall watched the massacre at the ranch from across the river but because of his wound he was unable to do anything.
"To us, Bill Clinton is like Gus Hall, a socialist."