Gypsy men, women, and children, the Tziganes, standing and listening.
In his mind, clearly, he saw the Gypsy man who had been waiting for him outside the Fairview courthouse.
Even on his own, even at a hundred and thirty pounds, there was enough of him left to catch up to the old Gypsy man.
The old Gypsy man with the rotting nose smiled.
He thought about how dark it had been when the old Gypsy man slit it open.
Martha thinks young Gypsy men are more worthy of her time than healing.
No Gypsy man wants me for his wife.
Why would any Gypsy man not want her for his wife?
From the campfire, the Gypsy men bolted to their feet and called out to her, but she ignored them.
The Gypsy men made it clear that they planned to remain, to guard their burlap sacks.