The Met's production has been transmitted live into movie theaters worldwide on March 7, 2008 part of the Met's HD series and is now available on DVD.
Ever since it launched the HD 4000 series last summer, ATI has been sitting more-or-less on top of the GPU performance market.
MavTV also produces and carries a large library of native 1080i HD series.
A later performance was broadcast in October as part of the Met's HD series, with distribution throughout the United States and 39 other countries.
The two versions of the inline six cylinder Holden Red motor were carried across from the HD series, both with increased engine capacity and a higher compression ratio.
The introduction of the HD series in 1964 saw a shift in the design of the Zamboni ice-resurfacers.
In 2008, JL Audio introduces the HD series mobile amplifiers, featuring a new technology called Single Cycle Control .
The HD series of 1965 saw the introduction of the Powerglide automatic transmission.
It was also presented in the Live in HD series.
The HD 4800 series remains fairly efficient, though neither card comes close to the fill rate of the 9800 GX2 or GTX 280.