Viewers should consider an HDTV set (720p or 1080i/p), which allow consumers to watch TV programs in the highest quality.
The retail price of an HDTV set is also driven by other issues.
True, the current HDTV sets are atrociously expensive, costing many thousands of dollars.
But it is in Japan, where HDTV sets made their debut this month at a cost of $34,000 each.
This requires the set-top box to send a signal to a connector that new HDTV sets will have.
While sales of HDTV sets are gradually increasing, the growth remains less than spectacular.
HDTV sets went on sale in Japan earlier this month for $34,000 each.
Who would want to spend thousands of dollars on a line-doubler after true HDTV sets went on sale?
Most HDTV sets have a refresh rate of 60 hertz, but some have higher rates.
For one thing, an HDTV set is a prerequisite.