Before even thinking of military adventures, the Administration needs to make life very uncomfortable for the Haitian elite.
But the military and their sponsors in the Haitian elite were given no reason to believe that the United States would interfere.
For the United States to recall its small military presence sends the wrong message to Haitian elites who believe that only fascism can save Haiti.
He associated the reasons behind the Occupation to the division between the Haitian elite and the poorer people of the country.
Other than the draconian approach to looters he describes, what else can you tell us about the attitudes of the Haitian elite?
The McConnell-Laubach orthography received substantial criticism from members of the Haitian elite.
The charm of the Haitian elite is on full display on Saturday nights in Petionville.
Freezing assets of the Haitian elite in this country might send a useful message.
The family was quite prosperous, and although by the time of Joe's birth their wealth had decreased significantly, they were still among the Haitian elite.
The early Haitian immigrants, those who came between 1960 and 1970, were usually from the Haitian elite.