In a final act of retribution, the remaining French were slaughtered by Haitian military forces.
This was the beginning of a 22 year occupation by Haitian forces.
The Haitian armed forces have prohibited journalists and human rights monitors from doing their jobs.
According to Administration officials, the Haitian armed forces consist of about 7,500 to 7,700 men.
We might even succeed in uniting the disparate Haitian political forces against us.
It should return documents seized by American troops from the Haitian armed forces and a feared paramilitary organization.
While the Haitian armed forces may have only 7,000 men in uniform, the number of people serving in security forces is much higher.
He said the Haitian forces would be armed, but added that they would be accompanied by international monitors.
Attempts were still made however to supply the ports, which were under siege by Haitian forces.
The remaining two-thirds of Hispaniola were conquered by Haitian forces in 1821.