That same year, a Haitian man had been arrested for a misdemeanor because of a dispute with a tenant.
About 270 Haitian men, women and children are being detained.
Today, the two Haitian men are still behind bars, even though the judge determined that their fears of persecution were legitimate.
They put the couch down, the Haitian man took the plastric wrap off it.
We have to call all the Haitian military men we can.
With a young Haitian man who later became a health worker, we went to see a 7-year-old girl with malaria.
When Haitian men discuss serious matters, they tend to sit very close to one another and frequently touch each other's arms.
The Haitian man, 46, worked most of his life as a cab driver.
The Haitian man, who had sat silently for long stretches, stood abruptly and volunteered to set the table.