Aside from the comic convention, the group's only formal gig in this era was at the Halloween Ball at the University of Michigan art school in 1976.
An invitation to the Halloween Ball thrown at Ashcroft Manor (written inside: "Dearest... It has been too long since we last talked.
A Halloween Ball "The fund really appeals to something that everyone can understand," Mr. Lieber said.
The junior council's fund raising event, a Halloween Ball, raised $44,000 last year.
In first term the Society runs a Halloween Ball, a Circle Line pub crawl and a Christmas Ball.
Black found an invitation to a lawyer's Halloween Ball organized by members of several downtown firms.
You even did that Halloween Ball together.
The Halloween Ball showcases over 450 artists and performers at a multi-level theatrical event, with performances that spill out onto the street.
The University Hall is the place of a yearly Halloween Ball in which the castle turns into a hunted house.
The Central Park Conservancy, which spends all year asking for treats, was holding its Halloween Ball.