But the 56-year-old resident of Hamilton Square is about to step off the beaten path.
From 1997 to 1999, the property was redeveloped into a modern office building and shopping center that is referred to as Hamilton Square.
The 2009 property value of Hamilton Square was $136,201,000.
Hamilton Square, named after Laird's wife's family, was built piecemeal over the next twenty years as the focus of the regular street layout.
Notable current and former residents of Hamilton Square include:
Hamilton Square (the country's largest group of Grade I buildings)
He died at his home, 63 Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, following a riding accident.
Harlem lost despite outhitting Hamilton Square, 5 to 1.
Hamilton Square lost its opening game to Delaware, 2-0.
The section of the cemetery where he is buried was named Hamilton Square in his honor.