"The Hampton Classic grew out of local horse shows."
She was waiting her turn to jump the fences in an equitation exercise at the Coram show, warming up for the Hampton Classic.
Of course, as jitney riders know, passengers will leap over any obstacle, like the horses at the annual Hampton Classic.
The Hampton Classic, an elegant horse show, is out on Long Island.
But the young guests at the Hampton Classic will enjoy that enviable position tomorrow.
On Aug. 30, at the grand finale of the Hampton Classic.
In 2011, Hurricane Irene postponed the start of the Hampton Classic three days.
The Hampton Classic is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization with a two-fold mission: to put on a world class equestrian event and to support other local charities.
The Southampton resident had come to the Hampton Classic, one of the nation's premier horse shows, to shop.
This year's Hampton Classic, which begins an eight-day run Sunday, will mark the Hitchcocks' 21st year in charge.