During her 1972 visit to North Vietnam, Ms. Fonda, an antiwar activist, made broadcasts over Hanoi radio criticizing American involvement in the war.
Nguyen Lam, a former Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam, died on Sunday, the official Hanoi radio reported.
The Hanoi radio said more than half the voters cast their ballots before noon.
The Hanoi radio reported that he had told oil workers that production of crude this year should be seven times the 40,500 tons of the second half of 1986.
Several days earlier, the Hanoi radio quoted from an editorial in the same newspaper that urged commanders to pay more attention to suggestions from the ranks.
Vietnam reorganized its Government today, replacing the Interior and Defense Ministers along with at least a dozen other officials, according to the Hanoi radio.
The Hanoi radio, in a broadcast monitored Thursday in Bangkok, Thailand, also reported the accord on the Amerasian resettlement program.
The Hanoi radio, in a broadcast monitored here, said Vietnamese troops retaliated by killing a large number of Chinese soldiers.
The latest moves took effect on March 4, according to reports broadcast over the official Hanoi radio and published in the press.
We were forced to hold the press conference because Hanoi radio broadcast the text of the agreement as it stood and asked us to send an emissary to sign it.