Happy Chandler, the baseball commissioner, refused to reinstate them, and it wasn't until 1949 that the ban was lifted.
In 1951, Happy Chandler was removed as commissioner, and the field for a successor was wide open.
Already committed to Rhea, he turned down an offer from Happy Chandler to chair his campaign, beginning the rift between the two men.
After Landis' death in 1944, Happy Chandler was named his successor.
Waterfield became a factional ally of Happy Chandler, though at first they were not friendly to one another politically.
Laffoon's lieutenant governor, Happy Chandler, pushed the legislature to mandate party primaries, which they did in 1935.
Wallace considered Happy Chandler, the former baseball commissioner and governor of Kentucky, as his running mate.
Landis and Happy Chandler, you had people who'd had prestige outside baseball.
Commissioner Happy Chandler warned the franchise to keep the manager under control or face disciplinary action.
One of Happy Chandler's top accomplishments was his approval of the integration of baseball.