A day after making an arrest in the confrontation at a Harlem mosque, police officials yesterday identified two other suspects being sought in the clash that injured eight officers.
He became the head of the Nation of Islam's Harlem mosque in New York in 1998.
The tensions also raised the profile of black Muslims in New York City, particularly those in the Harlem mosque.
But early in 1965 he was assassinated in a Harlem mosque.
Eight police officers were injured after responding to what turned out to be a false report of an armed robbery at the Harlem mosque.
Malcolm X and Mr. Farrakhan, his successor as minister of the Harlem mosque, often dined there.
Butler, now known as Muhammad Abdul Aziz, was paroled in 1985 and became the head of the Nation's Harlem mosque in 1998.
After hearing several speakers criticize the police force for entering the Harlem mosque, Mr. Bratton pleaded: "We will move beyond this and learn from this.
He said police officers were beaten at the Harlem mosque when they tried to respond to a call of a robbery in progress and called the beating "unacceptable conduct."
That is what Mr. Giuliani is learning the hard way, as he tries to assert his will in the aftermath of the recent melee at a Harlem mosque.