The dispute over the Harlem office focuses on two issues: its mission and its staff.
Bill Clinton came back last week, at a giddy welcoming party from the neighbors of his new Harlem office.
The Harlem office is one of seven neighborhood units of the civil division.
But callers are still burning up the phone line at his Harlem office, hoping to book their slot on the protest line.
Somewhere before his Harlem office, he stopped to change his clothes.
She said the union, which represents the 58 workers to be redeployed to other assignments, had complained about management in the Harlem office for years.
Cunningham joined the Courier in 1940 working from the Harlem office at 125th street.
None of this will change, it seems, at least until summer, when his Harlem office should be ready.
After state regulators raided the Harlem office, both men were found guilty of larceny and fraud.
Commissioner Sexton said the Harlem office was associated with other places that were also under investigation.