In 1958, Harvard psychologist, Herbert Kelman identified three broad varieties of social influence.
Leary and another Harvard psychologist, Richard Alpert, were dismissed from the university in 1963.
A Harvard psychologist reported that flappers had "the lowest degree of intelligence" and constituted "a hopeless problem for educators."
He is expected to defend the test, developed in the 1930's by Henry Murray, an influential Harvard psychologist.
The scale, which Dr. Lawrence Kohlberg, a Harvard psychologist, developed in 1958, using male students as his subjects, indicated that women were less moral than men.
Professor Kosslyn, the Harvard psychologist, doubted that it would ever be that simple.
Howard Gardner, the Harvard educational psychologist who is one of Mr. Freedman's closest friends, came in from the snow.
"Five years from now, every psychology department will have a scanner in the basement," says Steven Pinker, a Harvard cognitive psychologist.
Its name played on an idea by Stanley Milgram, a Harvard psychologist.
An eminent Harvard psychologist, Pinker believes we all live with "a false sense of insecurity".