A Harvard scholar tries to save the Vatican from the machinations of an underground society.
At least that's what two Harvard scholars have found after analyzing data collected in 59 countries between 1981 and 1999.
An elaborate investigation was held by a committee of Harvard scholars.
A Harvard scholar and monk Father Maximos accounts of these in the book.
Harvard scholars insist that their love of baseball is more than a professorial eccentricity.
Underlying this new debate is what Larry Lessig, the Harvard legal scholar, calls the "tyranny of code."
In 1971, she returned to India with her husband Madhav, who is also a Harvard scholar.
Charles, eighteen, and Thomas, fifteen, both Harvard scholars now and inches taller than their mother, had been small boys when he last saw them.
The young Harvard scholar became an instant media celebrity, a phenomenon that itself invited the scrutiny of academicians.
A Harvard scholar tries to save the Vatican.