She and her husband live on Hatteras Island in North Carolina.
A small village on Hatteras Island is said to have had forty fighting men.
Prior to the building of the bridge, Hatteras Island was only accessible by air or ferry.
He stayed on Hatteras Island for most of his life.
Hatteras Island is often used for destination weddings, family reunions, and special events.
For many years, the only ways to reach Hatteras Island was by ferry and footpath.
Luckily, I was first in line for the next 40-minute ferry over to Hatteras Island.
The tourists were evacuated in school buses to Hatteras Island, where they could rent a car if needed.
The breach on the southern end of Hatteras Island was filled in with sand, as well.
Like in 2011 the ferry service became the lifeline for Hatteras Island.