On a wall not far from the Havana airport, the faded scrawl says, "We have Fidel."
Mr. Cruz Leon followed him in July, he said, getting past a strip search at the Havana airport to bomb two hotels for $2,500.
He arrived at the Havana airport in August 1997, carrying the explosives in a back pocket, the transistor batteries in a front pocket.
After agreeing to try again, he was arrested at the Havana airport last June.
The accounts said the hijackers were greeted by crowds of boisterous supporters at the Havana airport.
Even if you land with cash at Havana airport, you will be able ot change them at the booth allocated in the main lobby area.
Hijackings to Cuba became so routine that U.S. airliners began carrying approach plans for the Havana airport.
Photograph: Raúl Castro greets Chávez at the Havana airport, March 10, 2011.
It had been well after midnight when Jack arrived from Havana airport, so he hadn't noticed how charming the place was.
Newspaper accounts 19 years ago said that the couple were greeted with enthusiasm when the plane landed at the Havana airport.