In 2009, the Hawaii Legislature approved a bill that would have banned the harvest of opihi (limpets) on the island of Oahu for five years.
Ms. Saiki, 60, served in Congress for 4 years and spent 14 years in the Hawaii Legislature.
The Hawaii Legislature passed a resolution last month condemning United and American as having "thoughtlessly failed to consider the future ramifications of their actions."
The Hawaii Legislature already has approved a $300,000 appropriation for environmental studies.
Next year's Hawaii Legislature also might decide to look into issues raised by the audit.
The Democratic primary featured 10 candidates, seven of whom served in the Hawaii Legislature.
Last June, the Hawaii Legislature and governor enacted a similar law.
There were ten candidates, seven of whom served in the Hawaii Legislature.
A resolution before the Hawaii Legislature urges Mexico to drop its efforts.
Though the Hawaii Legislature authorized the cameras in 1998, it has taken the state this long to put the plan into effect.