The Hawks then finished off the Bucks in Game 7 and advanced to the next round.
The Black Hawks advanced to the Campbell Conference finals for the second consecutive year, this time facing the Edmonton Oilers.
During his four seasons, the Hawks posted better than 50 wins and advanced to the NCAA tournament, reaching the national quarterfinals in 1993.
Already under way are orders for 72 Tornados, 30 Hawk advanced trainers, three minesweepers and other major defence construction projects.
The Hawks haven't advanced to the second round since 1988.
The next two games were split and the Hawks advanced to the Eastern Conference Semifinals for the third straight year.
Hawk and Fisher drew their weapons and advanced on him.
Everyone in the Court gasped a little as Hawk advanced on the Shaman, and the ruby glowed more and more fiercely.
In 1977, the Hawks won their third Western League title and advanced to the provincial championship.
Crawford and the Hawks advanced past the Milwaukee Bucks in seven games.