His first job was at Hayden Stone, a firm founded by his great-grandfather more than a century ago.
Hostetter, who had been Weymar's mentor, had begun trading stocks and commodities in the 1930s working for Hayden Stone.
Hayden Stone & Co.
The jury found that Haven Page, the Air Associates executive who had sold the shares through Hayden Stone, did not indirectly or directly control the company.
Hayden Stone, founded in 1892 had a large retail network and a significant investment banking department.
Additionally, Hayden Stone had grossed $113 million in 1968, five times its gross in 1960, earning significant profits.
However, in the late 1960s, Hayden Stone had difficulties with its administrative functions, particularly as the size of the firm had expanded so rapidly.
He joined Hayden, Stone in 1959, rising on the retail side as branch manager, sales and marketing director and divisional officer.
Lee, Higginson operated until 1966, when it was acquired by Hayden, Stone.
He graduated from the Wharton School of Finance at age 19 and got a $25-a-week job with a Wall Street concern, Hayden Stone.