They live about 20 miles east of the Hayward fault in Concord.
However, the Hayward Fault, a close neighbor, is extremely active.
This was true in the 14 years before a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck the Hayward fault in 1868.
Since the building is located close to the Hayward Fault, it was designed to withstand a major earthquake.
The Hayward Fault runs through the area, and is the cause of the two previous city halls being taken out of use.
Learn more about paleoseismology and view photos of a trench along the Hayward Fault.
The stadium sits near the Hayward Fault, which experts worry will eventually unleash a major earthquake.
Strawberry Creek serves as a significant marker for the movement of the Hayward Fault.
The building sits atop the Hayward fault, an active rift that many seismologists predict will be the site of a major earthquake.
A trace from the Hayward Fault runs directly under the old City Hall building.