Hazard Mitigation is assistance for actions taken to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property from natural hazards.
Every $1 spent on hazard mitigation(such as a disaster recovery plan)saves society $4 in response and recovery costs.
Hazard Mitigation (assistance to state and local governments and certain organizations)
Secondary to the hazard mitigation and safe evacuation of ambulatory passengers is the need to perform rescue operations.
The mitigation initiatives that a community develops must have their basis in the community's guiding principles on hazard mitigation.
The third goal for hazard mitigation is to increase the number of properties that meet and exceed BFE.
The world will also need a new science of cities, to help coordinate planning in areas like waste, water use, congestion, highways, hazard mitigation and pollution control.
The agency works to improve the built environment, particularly housing design and construction, village planning, natural hazard mitigation, environmental sanitation, water supplies, and other living conditions.
Mrs. Kinnard's next stop was at a desk labled "Hazard Mitigation."
"We're confident that there's no one more concerned about hazard mitigation than New York State," Mr. Gair said.