Heading the cast of both works, Heather Watts was more conscientious than exciting.
One longed, at times, for the air of razzle-dazzle daring Heather Watts used to bring to the part.
"I'm much happier that Heather Watts has good taste."
Heather Watts portrayed the woman he envisioned, a role that admits of several interpretations.
By the same token, he was in awe of Heather Watts, both as a dancer and for the strong persona she had established.
Woetzel has been married to Heather Watts since 1999.
But Apollo's vote went to Heather Watts as the muse of the dance.
Heather Watts was 42 when she retired in 1995.
Heather Watts is a pouting, almost angrily immediate exclamation point of a figure.
Heather Watts was not his muse, but he made her a soloist in 1978 and a principal in 1979.