Despite Smith's middling performance, his Heisman campaign will probably be bolstered by the scramble and heave that turned a tight game into a rout.
Trojans running back Reggie Bush bolstered his Heisman campaign with 3 touchdown runs and 160 yards on 15 carries.
Once upon a lifetime ago when he was at the Naval Academy, Thalman launched a Heisman campaign.
Northwestern is putting a lot of weight behind its Heisman campaign for quarterback Dan Persa - literally.
Before the start of the season, the Heisman campaign for Kane picks up speed and the players' individual motivations for playing football is revealed.
By 2007, Rutgers University had set up a Heisman campaign for Rice.
Just enough to get Frazier's Heisman campaign off to a decent start.
Before the season begins, however, Manning appears fit for a Heisman campaign.
It was during the Heisman campaign that Ki-Jana and Kathy spoke at least three times a week.
Dayne's natural reserve at times hampered his Heisman campaign.