The frescoes clearly followed the Hellenistic Jewish iconographic tradition but they are more crudely done than the paintings of the nearby synagogue.
Hellenistic polytheistic traditions survived in some pockets of Greece into the 9th century.
Until recently the Antikythera mechanism was thought to be the sole surviving example of mathematical gearing in the Hellenistic tradition.
A practical link has thus been revealed between the Hellenistic tradition of mathematical gearing and the medieval Islamic.
It is clear that both Hebrew and Hellenistic traditions were modelled on very early lines.
Here the Hellenistic tradition of temple building continued well into Imperial Roman times.
The portrait of the king belongs to the Roman rather than the Hellenistic tradition (compare fig. 15; contrast fig. 14).
Sophiology has roots in Hellenistic tradition and Platonism.
Both features indicate a significant decrease in Hellenistic traditions under his rule.
He is considered the greatest experimenter of antiquity and his work is representative of the Hellenistic scientific tradition.