Henry Baker (8 May 1698 - 25 November 1774) was an English naturalist.
Players: Henry Baker, sitting in a double seat with an unobstructed view of the restroom.
Henry Baker won the resulting by-election on 8 May 1948.
"Well, then, do you imagine that this other one, Henry Baker, had anything to do with the matter?"
Henry Baker developed an algorithm for real-time garbage collection in his doctoral dissertation.
It was Henry Baker, the superintendent of schools, a man known for his sharp, outspoken tongue.
"You're right, it doesn't sound convincing," said Henry Baker.
And Henry Baker, meeting Davey at the gas station, came up and took his hand.
Henry Baker has presented a nondeterministic interpreter generating instantaneous schedules which then map onto event diagrams.
Henry Baker, 5.83 (two and a shared before he joined the Flight)